Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thankful Thoughts for Thursday (well,I am trying anyway)

I am needing to put a positive spin to my thoughts today, so in order to help me, I will start each one with thankfulness. :)  Here it goes-

*I am thankful for good doctors, despite having to wait for two hours to see him.

*I am thankful that I own more than three shirts.  That is the number of shirts I have managed to stain in the last 24 hours.

*I am thankful that evening comes each day and that I have a bed upon which to lay my head.

*I am thankful that I have learned to manage on my own during the last 72 hours without my mother or husband around.  (That sounds like I am a weanie, but I really needed some childcare help.  Said child just stayed home alone.  Don't worry, it wasn't Katie.)

*I am thankful for the hint of fall in the air, despite sweating to death the last two days.

*I am thankful that 5 of my friends are getting to take their kids to Disney World this fall.  Truly, I am so excited for them!  I just wish I fit into a carry-on.

*I am thankful that, as I was filling my laundry detergent dispenser thingy, that some of it spilled over the side and all over my hand.  Otherwise, I don't think it all would have fit.

*I am thankful for my new computer, even though I haven't had time to figure anything new on it yet, nor look for my pictures.

*I am thankful for my sweet children, who are arguing.  If I didn't have them, then things would be too quiet.

*I am thankful for kids old enough to stay home alone so David and I can have a date this weekend.

*I am truly, truly thankful!!  Despite my sarcasm, life is good and I am blessed beyond measure!!